Faction Labs Disorder
Faction Labs Disorder has made itself a household name in the Australian pre workout category. Listed as a 50 serve products, taking 2 scoops is your best option to get the performance benefits from this product. At 6g of Citrulline and 500mg of L. Norvaline, production of nitric oxide in your body is going to be at a decent level to get the blood to the working muscle.
Disorder now also contains 1.5g of Tyrosine, 800mg of Alpha GPC and 250mg of L. Theanine to ensure mood elevation, laser-like focus, and mental calmness. With over 10 flavours to try, there is something for everybody!
EHPLabs Pride Pre Workout Benefits
At 2 scoops per serve it will provide a good amount of energy
Amplified and prolonged nitric oxide production for better blood flow to muscles
Decent doses of nootropics for focus and mood elevation
Available in over 10 delicious and often unique flavours
Directions for use
Mix one to two scoops of FactionLabs Disorder with 400 to 800 ml of cold water and consume 15 to 30 minutes prior to your workout.