Ghost Lifestyle

Ghost Intra


Ghost Intra

Introducing the comprehensive intra workout supplement, Ghost Intra! Ghost Intra has it all to ensure your endurance, performance, and recovery during and after workouts is unparalleled. Containing electrolytes, EAAs, hydration, as well as focus ingredients, Ghost Intra will ensure you stay hydrated and focused to perform at your best, whilst boosting recovery in the immediate aftermath.

What does Ghost Intra have in it?

Ghost Intra contains over 750mg of electrolytes to improve hydration, as well as an amino acid called taurine to boost with overall electrolyte balance. It also includes 9 grams of EAAs, including 6 grams of BCAAs and a massive 3 grams of Leucine, this goes a long way with boosting muscle protein synthesis and recovery. Ghost Intra also contains a blend of nootropic ingredients such as Ashwagandha for cortisol control and Cognizin Citicoline for improved memory and focus.  

Why should I take Ghost Intra?

Ghost Intra contains many ingredients that will keep you training at peak level. Thanks to the electrolytes and other hydration focused ingredients, Ghost Intra will replenish what you sweat out and keep you fuelled for those intense sessions. It also contains focus ingredients that keep you locked in and in the mood for even the most arduous or boring sessions - you won’t even think about skipping calves. Furthermore, Ghost Intra will bolster recovery and ensure you are maximising your body’s ability to build and retain muscle.

How do I take Ghost Intra?

Mix 1 serve (1 scoop) of Ghost Intra with 400 to 500ml of water and consume during or after workout, or as desired throughout the day.