Stimhub Turk Sauce
Stimhub Turk Sauce is a liquid concentrate of the sought after and popular ingredient Turkesterone. Turkesterone is a natural anabolic compound that has shown positive results with regard to improving strength and reducing recovery time. Liquid products have a much higher absorption rate that capsule products so more of the active ingredient actually makes it to the desired destination. At a full 500mg per serve, this will be the strongest form of Turkesterone mg for mg!
What does Turkesterone do?
Turkesterone is an ecdysteroid native to central Asia. It has recently been shown to have natural anabolic effects on muscle growth and strength. As this product does NOT affect hormone levels it is widely used by serious natural athletes.
How to use Stimhub Turk Sauce?
Take half a capful to one capful 30 minutes prior to exercise. Either shot it or add it to your pre workout and be sure to shake well before use.
Is Turkesterone Banned?
No, Turkesterone is not a banned substance and is completely natural. It is important to note, turkesterone is on the watchlist of the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) for performance enhancing as of July 2024. With the popularity of this increasing month by month, the chances of it ending up on this list is high. So get in while you can and make the most of it!
Who is Turkesterone for?
Turk Sauce is the perfect solution for anyone looking to boost their physical performance naturally. As this is a natural compound it can be taken without the worry of suppressing natural hormone levels.Consume this product while bulking, cutting or in a maintenance phase of training. It is important to consume adequate amounts of protein to ensure you maximise the effectiveness of this compound.
Can you stack Turkesterone?
Stack the Turk Sauce with the Ecdy Sauce for the most anabolic natural stack available on the market today. As both of these products are liquid concentrates you will essentially be absorbing the full dosage of ingredients yielding the optimal dosage for each compound.